Campaign Awards

There are many aspects of this hobby that make it fun for modellers and for myself group builds are one of the best. It’s on Aeroscale that I first starting joining in on group builds and found myself addicted to the idea of them.

On Aeroscale group builds are known as campaigns and they come with some site-specific unique features. Every campaign comes with a ribbon, a small graphic that gets appended to your profile after you successfully complete an entry. In this manner you are able to track the campaigns you have participated in and proudly display the ribbons as small trophies alongside your work.

Of course, like any group build, the Aeroscale campaigns are fun, full of great builds and informative tips and tricks. This is what really shines about a group build, it takes what could be an often solitary hobby and turns in into a community effort.

On this page I’m displaying the ribbons I’ve acquired from finishing campaigns on Aeroscale. The graphic links back to Aeroscale, either the campaigns build log or the photo feature that is assembled shortly after the campaign wraps up. I’ll also include a link to the build articles on this blog of the aircraft I entered in to each campaign.

Aerial Screw Campaign:
This campaign was dedicated entirely to the workhorse that is the helicopter.

With it being my first helicopter build I chose one of my favourites, the AH-1 Cobra Gunship.

You can find the build articles here.
Anti-Shipping Campaign:
This campaign was dedicated to those aircraft fitted out for attacking enemy shipping.

This was also the first campaign I finished on Aeroscale. I built a Blackburn Buccaneer for the campaign and fell in love with both the aircraft and the concept of anti-shipping missions.

The build articles can be found here.
Hanger Queen Campaign:
Every modeller has a few unfinished builds sitting on a shelf somewhere, neglected. 

This campaign offered modellers the opportunity to finish these ‘Hanger Queens.’

I finished an A-37B Dragonfly for the campaign as it was unfinished from a previous campaign whose deadline I missed.

The build articles can be found here.

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